I have to apologise as I haven't wrote a blog post in a while due to having a mountain of assignments and exams to complete at university! However now there all done and dusted I thought I'd write a quick post for you all about my hair journey.
My own hair journey has been a long one. Anyone that knows me will know I've been every hair colour under the sun - brown, dark blonde, light blonde, copper, red, black and now back to my own colour of darkest brown. So it's fair to say my hairs been through a lot! Up until recently I nearly always wore hair extensions despite having long hair myself I was obsessed with having extra thick, long hair. Basically I wasn't satisfied with my hair unless it was nearly touching my bum!
However, a couple of months ago when my hairdresser was colouring my hair she noticed some quite big bald patches at the bottom of my head and suggested that I go to the doctors to check if I had alopecia. At the time I was revising for the many exams I had at university and hadn't realised how much stress I was under. I went ahead and booked an appointment at the doctors and she told me I had alopecia from stress and that the combination of stress and wearing hair extensions was damaging my hair. I was mortified and so scared in case the bald patches didn't grow back.
Slowly but surely though my hair has grown back and I decided to have quite a lot of my hair chopped to get it into good condition. I've carried on getting regular cuts every 3/4 weeks and lathering hair treatments on my hair on a regular basis too. Coconut oil is also the best thing I've ever used on my hair and I can't recommend it enough.
Nothing has ever put me off hair extensions so much! I've noticed that my own hair has become so much thicker since having it cut shorter and I couldn't even imagine going longer than 5 weeks not getting my hair cut now! Luckily short hair is very on trend at the moment which works in my favour. I went for a blunt cut as I loved Khloe Kardashians recent blunt bob. I haven't yet braved a cut as short as hers but I will definitely be going even shorter some time soon!
Lydia Maria